
Apple IIc and Apple IIc+

Apple IIc (also known as Apple //c), the first compact and portable model in the Apple lineup, was itroduced in…

Apple IIe – All computer information and tech specs

The Apple IIe (also known as Apple ][e or as Apple //e) was one of the most successful Apple computers…

Apple II Plus

Apple II Plus (known also as Apple ][ +) is a computer from the Pre-Macintosh family of Apple Computers. This…

Franklin Ace 1200 Computer

Franklin Ace 1200 Apple Compatible personal computer was the first legal Apple II clone, manufactured by Franklin Computers Corporation company,…

Apple II Computer

Apple II Computer was released in April 1977. The Apple II was based on Wozniak's Apple I design. Several new…

Apple I Computer

The Apple I computer was hand-built by Steven Wozniak and released by him and his friend Steve Jobs in April…