Enter your iPad 6th Generation Wi-Fi Only 128GB specifications and get a free immediate quote in just seconds.
Use the provided prepaid shipping label, just pack up your iPad 6th Generation Wi-Fi Only 128GB and ship to us.
We’ll process your order after your iPad 6th Generation Wi-Fi Only 128GB arrives, & you’ll get your payment fast.
It is safe to deal with iGotOffer. You can trust us, because we are A rated by the Better Business Bureau. We are 1.0/5 stars rating on ResellerRatings.com website, leading merchant review platform, generating consumer reviews with the highest standards of quality and ethics. We have been given excellent feedbacks from our customers. Discover our Twitter, our Facebook Page, if you want to learn more about our company. Read our Apple Encyclopedia. Or read our iGotOffer Blog. Still in doubt? We welcome your questions and we will answer any question in regard of a deal. To see all the links leading to the pages above quoted, visit this page: What's iGotOffer.com.
We pay you by check. Either way, you can be sure that you will be duly paid when you sell your used iPad 6th generation to iGotOffer.
As the customers' comfort is the thing we always look for, we’ll pay for your shipping through a prepaid shipping label (emailed to you). Be sure to properly pack your gadget so it will come safely to us).
Your only trouble is to properly pack your iPad to ensure it will come safely to us.