
Using Mac OS X: Contacts and Calendars

There are many Mac applications designed to help users keep their contacts and appointments organized. Some of these apps, such…

How to Use Fonts & Special Characters

Appropriate typefaces or fonts are essential if you want to create professional-looking documents and presentations. On Macs, OS X comes…

Mac’s Software

The Mac platform offers many tools for note-taking, cataloging, number-crunching, editing documents, desktop publishing tools, spreadsheets, presentation packages, and more.…

Automator: Repetitive Tasks on Your Mac

Performing a repetitive task on a computer is rather tedious. However, it’s not difficult to get your Mac to put…

How to Customize Your Mac: Useful Tips

There a few ways that you can customize your Mac, such as changing the Dock and Finder windows, for example.…


Introduced with OS X Tiger, Dashboard provides a quick and easy way to do everything from checking the weather forecast,…


An application is a piece of software that helps you perform a task. There is no difference between a program…

Compressed Files

When downloading large files or software from the web, you’ll find that these files are usually zipped. This means they…

How to Organize Finder

Apple has made it easy for Mac users to keep all their files and folders neatly organized. Here are a…

Sidebar on Mac Computers

The Sidebar on the Mac appears by default in all Finder windows. This bar is one of the most useful features…

Files and Folders on Macs

Files and folders on Macs: Whenever users save a piece of work on their Mac, the document is saved as…


As of this writing, computers are designed for broadband internet. Of course, users can get by with old-fashioned dial-up access…

Mac: Connecting to the Internet

Obviously, you’ll need an account with an Internet Service Provider (ISP for short) to get connected to the Internet on…


Apple has a lot of great applications available to their customers, and the iBooks application is no exception. iBooks is…

The Built-In Apple Mail App on Mac

The following short article outlines some of the features of the built-in Apple Mail App that comes with Macs, iPhones,…

Touch ID

What is Touch ID? It is a unique fingerprint sensor that allows you to connect to, or unlock, your device.…


iTunes is OS X’s built-in application for managing and playing music and video files, as well as for transferring digital…

What Intel Processor Do You Have in Your Computer?

Intel corporation is the leading developer and manufacturer of desktop and mobile Intel processors. They sell their products to Apple,…

Guide to Using the Trackpad on a Mac

Note that on a MacBook Pro, there is no primary click button in front of the trackpad. Instead, the whole…

The Dock

The Dock is that icon-laden shelf that you can see at the bottom of your screen. This useful feature helps…