
OS X: Basic Concepts

The interface of OS X is easy to understand. The mouse, keyboard, and all the basics of the OS X…

Computer for Dummies: CPU

CPU stands for Central Processing Unit. It’s the heart, or rather the brain, of all the modern desktops, laptops, tablets,…


You can easily create programs, as modern operating systems are very easy to understand and begin programming. Apple has built…

Siri’s Personality – Guidelines for Siri Features

Siri always follows the same pattern when you use the system. She will always prompt you for input and direction…

Getting Started with Siri: Features and More

Today’s technology enables our iPhones to listen to the words we speak, and accomplish tasks. We can also dictate texts…

macOS Sierra – Features and more

There is more to macOS Sierra than just a new name. All the changes can be divided into three groups:…

History of GUI

Once upon a time, when computers were the size of a desk, there was no mouse, just a keyboard. To…

iSpace – Everything about Apple Space

Everything about Apple Space. Here we will present all the programs, gadgets, and other features developed by Apple to create…