Apple News & History

The Latest Apple Juice: Watch Out!

Apple: The Most Powerful Company On Earth (AAPL Stock) [Video]

Video uploaded by Ticker Symbol: YOU on February 16, 2023

The Latest Apple Juice or You better Watch Out, Google And Others

Well, Apple… Our all-known tech giant appears to have made not too shabby a present for itself, coming at the end of this year… and this present may be quite a cause for the rest of the field – and, ultimately, for all of us customers – to be concerned.

Simply put, they got, shall we say, too big for everybody else’s tastes. So big, in fact, that not only Google alone, but even when taken together with such major forces as Amazon and Meta (also known as Facebook), are no match for it.

The sweeping profits Apple is showing this year – against the falling incomes of all the above companies.

But don’t rush to gloat yet, you iPhone groupies. The sweeping profits Apple is showing this year – against the falling incomes of all the above companies – are not down to the fact that iOS (or iPadOS) is mightily superior to Android or, say, Apple’s messenger is stealing the show from that of Meta or Google. These returns and way above share prices come not from any singular device or concept success. It is that old but true trick of brand popularity striking again.

In other words, owning an Apple gadget has come even beyond “the status thing” or a fashion necessity. This omnipresent company managed to win over quite a following for itself. It’s not just a cult any longer: the Appleheadness, so to speak, is now a full-blown digital religion. The lower revenues and stocks of Amazon, Google and the rest is not their main problem – it’s just a consequence of them all put together having lower numbers of fans than the maker of iPhones, iPads, Apple Watches, etc. Too many people these days (for other market players’ tastes) tell Apple “just shut up and take my money”. Yes, even after yet another version of their phone which, many believed, came too soon and was doomed to sell poorly. (Yeah right, like any of those reporters’ hopes had any chance of coming true).

And, naturally, all this money Apple continues to get from their loyal zealots, is the very same money that Twitter, Samsung, Google proprietor Alphabet, Instagram, Meta and others are not getting…

And, naturally, all this money Apple continues to get from their loyal zealots, is the very same money that Twitter, Samsung, Google proprietor Alphabet, Instagram, Meta and others are not getting… thus falling long behind the Cupertino colossus in value (with the closest rival, that being the aforesaid Alphabet, reaching only about half of Apple’s worth) and having their shares dropping while Apple’s prices are soaring. Four to nine percent up versus six to 17 down… this speaks for itself, doesn’t it?

But what must unnerve the other tech market companies in that situation – even beyond these cold hard figures – is the demography of these Apple-preferring buyers. Because they are predominantly young. It’s the Youtubers and TikTokers who love Apple’s gizmos the most. And this means that the iOS creators are now a threat not just for the established (and, some dare say, getting long in the tooth) digital firms we mentioned above, but such new game changers as, for instance, Tesla.

It’s the Youtubers and TikTokers who love Apple’s gizmos the most.

To wit, Apple is now snatching just a market share from its rivals, but, seemingly, the future prospects as well.

Which all may be well and good (for Apple, at least, but let’s be fair, not too bad for the gadget fans either, because these products are indeed impressive), but is beginning to sound too much like a monopoly for comfort and joy in this festive season. And we all know where this may lead: the field narrowing, the incentives to put out the best work following and the recognized leader beginning to rest on their laurels, becoming a shadow of their former selves as a result. Not that we are encouraging any of you to refrain from taking Apple’s offerings on principle, but… how about remembering that there are other participants in the digital race, too? After all, that’s where Apple itself started – from the “other participant” position. So how about not letting them forget that? In the end, it may be for the better for them and us alike.


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