Smart Mobile Security Tips for Safe Online Browsing
Surfing the Internet, while certainly an enjoyable and pleasant activity, comes with its set of pitfalls and challenges. For example, recently malware has seen a rise internationally. Malware is short for malicious software. It’s typically used to gain access to private information on a computer or otherwise misuse said computer. Further, some malware may even be used to extort payment, such as CryptoLocker.
Along these lines, malware may include most types of harmful software such as computer viruses, worms, trojan horses, ransomware, spyware, shareware and more. Cybercrime is tougher to manage because of the overlapping or nonexistent borders in cyberspace. For instance, the mobile security company Lookout, suggests that shareware and ransomware are gaining ground worldwide. The mobile security firm has analyzed some 60 million users and found that different threats to mobile safety, correspond to distinct geographical locations.
Further, some of the malware Lookout has come across includes: ScarePackage, Death Ring, CoinKrypt and ShrewdCKSpy. ScarePackage is ransomware disguised as an update to the Adobe Flash plugin or as an anti-virus program. Once it is downloaded, it displays a fictitious FBI message. Alternatively, DeathRing is classified as a Trojan.
DeathRing poses as a ringtone app and attempts to capture login credentials by masquerading as trusted entities, such as renown financial institutions. Furthermore, CoinKrypt, also a Trojan, infects mobile devices and harvests their processing power to mine cryptocurrency. ShrewdCKSpy intercepts and records text messages and phone calls and uploads them to a remote server. The worst ransomware in 2014, at least in the United States, were ScarePackage, ScareMeNot, ColdBrother and Koler.
Ransomware also represents the number one threat in Western Europe. It gains access to mobile devices through malicious apps. Ransomware is defined as malicious software which locks users out of their computers or mobile devices. It demands payment in order to restore access to the device. Alternatively, charge-ware is designed to have the user agree to unclear terms. He may continue to pay fees and charges despite making efforts to unsubscribe.
See also:
- iGotOffer Encyclopedia: all information about Apple products, electronic devices, operating systems and apps.
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