Amazing Situation with Fraud
More about fraud: A gentleman contacted iGotOffer.com to sell a recent model of a used iPhone. We offered a price of $500 for the device, and he packaged the smartphone up and sent it to us.
When the parcel arrived and was opened, we saw that the box was empty. We contacted the sender without delay, asking him if he forgot to place the phone in the box. He assured us that everything was OK, and that the device was duly packaged.
Upon asking the man for the iPhone’s serial number and a photograph of the phone, he was happy to comply. He provided us with the serial number and a photo, and claimed that the photo had been taken the same day he sent the device to iGotOffer.
It did not take long to determine that the iPhone, which he claimed as his own, was reported stolen a couple of weeks ago, and that the photo was actually taken in Saudi Arabia a year ago. We informed the gentleman that we never buy stolen or lost devices.
Once this was determined we contacted the police to help us deal with this case. We also contacted a few websites, similar to ours. We usually exchange this type of information, even with our competitors, because a solid crime prevention policy is among our top priorities.
Curiously enough, the scammer answered our message the same day, claiming that he was an honest man, and accused us of stealing his iPhone. The next day, police enforcement paid him a friendly visit. They found dozens of stolen items in his apartment, and found even more when they searched the apartments of a couple of his friends. Now, he has enough time to think about how he wants to continue his life after he is released from prison, and we are proud to help make our society safer.
See also:
- Apple Encyclopedia: all information about Apple products, electronic devices, operating systems and apps from iGotOffer experts.
- iGotOffer.com: the best place to trade in used iPhone online. Top cash guaranteed. Free quote and free shipping. BBB A+ rated business.