Apple Watch Series 3: Unboxing & Review [Video]
Video uploaded by DetroitBORG on September 30, 2017
Apple Watch Feedback: Loyal Customer’s Impressions
It is the holiday season, and you are probably in the middle of shopping for yourself, family, friends or loved ones with just a few more weeks to go. What has been on your shopping list, or want list this year? As adults, I feel like it is sometimes hard to know what we may want as a gift for Christmas. Most of our priorities are about everyday tasks, paying the bills, cooking food, keeping the house clean… that gadgets like a steam mop or a robot vacuum are a great gift or asset to being an adult sometimes. You know you’re an adult when you get excited over a vacuum or mop… am I right?!
Let’s be honest though, no matter your age… adults are basically just oversized children. So sometimes, a gadget that isn’t a need of any sort can be fun too.
My husband and I recently decided to purchase ourselves Apple Watches on the whim. It was a total spur of the moment- let’s spoil ourselves purchase that we are considering as an early Christmas gift to ourselves now. It seems like a completely irrational purchase, but it has been such a fun and exciting new thing in our lives.
Our biggest reason for getting an Apple Watch is that after almost 8 years of marriage and 3 kids later… we have only gotten older and less out of shape. It is a hectic life with 3 kids, and we have never found the time to be physically active or be aware of our calorie intake as well as how many calories we are burning and suddenly this new Apple Watch has opened a whole new world to us.
When we came to the Apple Store, we asked a lot of questions about the different watches they have and the difference between them and all the capabilities of an Apple Watch in general. The newest Apple Watch 4 series was out of stock, but the Apple associate clarified that the biggest difference between the 3rd an 4th series is that the 4th series has an ECG (electrocardiogram) which analyzes electrical activity of your heart. That wasn’t a deal breaker for us, so we went ahead with the 3rd series. We wanted our watches to be both GPS and Cellular, but unfortunately the phone carrier we have (Cricket) does not support cellular Apple Watches so we had to choose the GPS only watch. To me personally, it is okay because I always have my phone on hand or close to me, and in the end, it saved us more money anyway.
So what have we been using the Apple Watches for? Well the detailed Activity Tracker on the wearable device lets you know how many calories you have burned, hours you have been on your feet as well as how many minutes you have been exercising for. It is way more accurate than a Fitbit, and I know this as a previous Fitbit owner. Although it does not come with a built in sleep tracker, you can download a sleep tracker that can track your sleep as well.
There are so many different customizable options and functions on the watch, and I love how it synchronizes with my phone that I am able to read and respond to messages all while having my watch on me. Even when I put my phone down, I receive notifications with all my watch compatible apps and it is so convenient and handy.
One of my favorite functions of the watch is the new competition and walkie-talkie feature. With the newest update, you are now able to connect with your friends and compete with them. Anytime you or your friend complete an activity ring, or complete a work out, you receive a notification, you can choose to “reply”, and the watch gives you some amusing automated responses. My husband and I have been having a lot of fun “trolling” each other with the suggested responses the watch has. It is especially humorous since he has his watch set to Russian, and I have mine set to English and the responses for both languages vary.
The new walkie-talkie option is a lot of fun too. It is exactly what it sounds like- a walkie-talkie. You have to hold a button and send a message to any of your friends you are connected to, who have a watch as well. The messages will play immediately on your friends watch. It’s like live video chat just without the video in a sense.
Being aware of how physically active I am everyday has been very eye opening and motivating to get up and move around a little. My husband started running daily, and I started to work out. Choosing different workouts and having the watch track my exercise, whether it be a workout or a walk has been really fun. Especially when my husband and I are competing and we are neck in neck close to one another, we will sometimes start jogging in place at home just to burn a few more calories and be ahead in the competition.
So what seemed like a very irrational and random purchase has become a very valuable little toy in our life. With the watch, we are more motivated to move and be physically active and it opens up a new door of opportunities to connect with friends as well.
If you are still trying to figure out what you may want for Christmas or what you may want to gift someone for Christmas… and Apple Watch may be a fine choice. If you have any old gadgets, lying around your house you can also always sell them to put towards your new Apple Watch purchase.
I know once these apple watches run its course or when I have an itch for the newest model, I will for sure be trading it in to spend towards the newest model.
It’s a wonderful time we live in, that electronics… no matter the age or usage always hold some sort of value that can be saved and used for a future purchase.
Happy upcoming holidays to everyone, and if anyone does get an Apple Watch this year… feel free to share your insight on your new gadget in the comments below.
- Watch – Apple
- Trade in your old Apple Watch for top price online