Podcast Apps
A Podcast is an audio program. This program consists of a series of audio, video, PDF, or ePub files downloaded through web syndication. Podcasts can be streamed online to an iPhone, and can be listened to via iTunes or on your iPhone/iPod. Most podcasts are free to download and listen to. The word “Podcast” is a neologism derived from the words “broadcast” and “pod” that gained popularity from the success of the iPod. Audio podcasts are often listened to on portable media players.
Podcasts can be consisted of almost anything. People make podcasts about any subject that they are passionate about. Many TV and radio shows have podcasts of their episodes or use podcasts as a supplement to them.
You can find podcasts all over the Internet. The most popular directory of podcasts is available through the iTunes Store. To access the iTunes directory, open iTunes, click on the “iTunes Store” button, and click on the “Podcasts” menu at the top.
Once you are on the iTunes Store Podcast page, you can search for podcasts based on title, topic, or browse selections made by Apple. You can browse through the drop-down menu on the left or by clicking on the Podcasts menu.
Here is a list of a few podcasts you may enjoy: The Moth (storytelling), This American Life (storytelling and news), Fresh Air (news and interviews), Star Talk Radio (science), The BS Report (sports and pop culture), Bulletproof Executive Radio (business), How Did This Get Made? (film and comedy), WTF with Marc Maron (comedy and interviews), Film spotting (films), ESPN Fantasy Focus Football. Other podcasts include Welcome to Night Vale (horror and humor), and Dan Carlin’s Hardcore History (history).
You can explore thousands of free audio and video podcasts in the “Featured” tab. You can also browse “Top Charts” to see what’s popular right now. You can sync playlists from iTunes, or create an On-The-Go playlist to play just the episodes you want.
The Podcasts app, an amazing way to discover, subscribe to, and play your favorite podcasts on a variety of topics. They include art, sport, business, news, comedy, music, and more.
See also:
- Apple Encyclopedia: all information about products, electronic devices, operating systems and apps from iGotOffer.com experts.
- iGotOffer.com: the best place to sell my used iPod online. Top cash guaranteed. Free quote and free shipping. BBB A+ rated business.

Podcast Apps