Best way to sell your old electronics [Video]
Video uploaded by WXYZ-TV Detroit | Channel 7 on January 7, 2019
What Things Should We Keep in Mind Before Selling an iPhone
Selling a gadget in today’s era is not as simple as trading any item you own. Gadgets are valuable items and different rules and certain constant factors affect the prices apply to them. It is easy to get scammed or not get the right price for your gadget, especially iPhones. Apple’s highly successful product range has enormous market value and buyers mostly get a good price.
Similarly, selling an iPhone is not a simple trade either. For years, people have tried and tested different methods and are always concerned about a number of different things. Fortunately, an iPhone is one of those gadgets which remain in demand no matter how outdated it is. So, even if you have a 5s, you can expect to get a fair deal for your mobile phone. Before opting for anything, here is what you should do:
Don’t get it fixed just to get a good price

Don’t get it fixed just to get a good price.
Your iPhone’s condition matters primarily. Fixing and repairing damage cannot guarantee a market competitive price. Most buyers are hesitant to buy a repaired phone on the same price of its alternative piece that has never been damaged and repaired. Plus, you may end up shelling out more cash in repairing and may not get the same value. On the other hand, many gadgets do not work perfectly after repairing, so it is a wise and moral responsibility to remain honest and have a complete idea of what may need fixation in the longer run.
Sell it with original accessories

Sell it with original accessories.
It is standard practice to maintain your gadgets and replace add-ons and accessories with original products. Try to keep the original charge and earphones with your iPhone because it would imminently increase its value. If you are selling it with unoriginal accessories which do not cost much, try selling them for free with your iPhone. Customers would be attracted to it and you may quickly cut a deal.
Don’t get scammed or ripped off

Don’t get scammed or ripped off.
Selling on eBay, street buyers, stores, etc., may not get you the best price for your iPhone. Buyers can be manipulative, may negotiate too much and it can get complicated. Liberate yourself from any hassle which would compel you to take drastic actions. Try selling it to a company; a good example of it is igotoffer.com, a platform where you can sell used, old or even broken consumer electronics like almost all products of Apple. It’s a company which allows you to enter the details of your gadget and then gets a quotation based on its condition, features, and accessories. You can get an instant offer on your device, get free of cost shipping and fast payment.
Sell it before a new model release

September is the time for the new release of iPhone(s).
September is the time for the new release of iPhone(s). If you plan to buy a newly released model, make sure you sell your old one before the release as it can quickly diminish its price. To get a good price, it is important to sell early and before a new release is close.
Nobody wishes to invite hassles, delays, and complications when selling a device. It is not a difficult business if you have important knowledge and the true value of your phone. One should always try to get the best deal out of everything.
- Sell a Pre-owned iPhone Online for the best price – iGotOffer
- iPhone – Apple
- iPhone 6 Plus: an oldie but goody – iGotOffer
- Everything About Apple’s Products – The complete guide to all Apple consumer electronic products, including technical specifications, identifiers and other valuable information.