iPhone’s Medical ID Feature Could Save Your Life In An Emergency [Video]
Video uploaded by Tech Insider on November 20, 2017
Chip and sim to the rescue or do you know what your smartwatches can really do for you?
These days we often use to say that our smartwatches – especially the Apple ones – are a godsend and to call them our “saviours” (that’s when we don’t curse them for dying on us in the most inopportune moment and don’t accuse the very same contraptions for being a superfluous extravagance). But have you ever thought about how literal this “saviour” role might turn out? Well, in some cases it actually can, and if you think we are exaggerating here, think again. Your Apple Watch smartwatches may indeed become your ticket out of a very real danger in some cases, and you better know it in advance. So here are a couple of tips for how you can use these watches in some unwelcome circumstances.
One example of such circumstances is illness. If you suffer certain conditions which must constantly be kept eye on to manage the symptoms – such as diabetes – your watch will come in more than handy with its constant reminders of your insulin levels whenever they become not up to par. Even the most diligent person can at times get distracted, suffer a bout of forgetfulness or even underestimate the threat. But the gadgets – and Apple gadgets in particular – will not. And thanks to them, whenever your sugar drops dangerously, you’ll know it straight away, and will be able to act on it just in time.

Even the most diligent person can at times get distracted, suffer a bout of forgetfulness or even underestimate the threat. But the gadgets – and Apple gadgets in particular – will not. And thanks to them, whenever your sugar drops dangerously, you’ll know it straight away, and will be able to act on it just in time.
Then there are hard falls that might happen with even the healthiest of us (in fact, with the more athletic and sport-loving of us they are more likely to happen, for jogging, exercises and things like that do carry these risks). So if the worst comes to the worst and you end up unable to call for help after a particularly traumatic fall, your watch will do it for you, thanks to its gyroscope, acceleration sensor and call-making function. Once it will sense no movement after a certain amount of time, it will take matters in its own proverbial hands.
Speaking of automatic call-making, this watch also can send out an alarm sound if you need an urgent rescue for some reason, and there are several various ways of prompting it for you to choose. You can long-press your watch’s button, and it will go into the siren mode in a few seconds. Or just move your finger over the “Emergency SOS” option that will appear on display when you’ll hold the button down just a bit longer than usual.

Or just move your finger over the “Emergency SOS” option that will appear on display when you’ll hold the button down just a bit longer than usual.
The fact that Apple Watch stores all of its wearer’s basic personal and health data (if programmed accordingly, which is easily done with the “Medical ID” option under Health menu settings) can also prove very helpful if the said wearer falls ill to the point of losing conscience in some place where no one knows him.
And our final advice for the day: the Apple Watch can also assist you in a possibly less immediate but just as important need – namely, in the case of mental stress. Considering that this state of mind can be taxing not only on your psyche but on your heart too, it’s a good idea to turn to meditations when stressed. And you can do just that if you subscribe to the Apple Fitness Plus package via the very same Apple Watch. Because this subscription comes with a set of instructed meditations (there is even a dedicated meditation application included).
So yes, this small device can guard you quite well against a lot of serious, and even potentially fatal, damage. Superfluous, they say? In our opinion, “essential” sounds much more like it.
- Set up and view your Medical ID on Apple Watch – Apple Support
- Use Emergency SOS on your Apple Watch – Apple Support
- Sell your used Apple Watch online – iGotOffer
- Everything About Apple’s Products – The complete guide to all Apple consumer electronic products, including technical specifications, identifiers and other valuable information.