10 Mind Blowing Gadgets 2021 | You Can Buy On Amazon And Online [Video]
Video uploaded by Future Tech on May 28, 2021
Treasure Hunt or Unexpected Gadgets Gains You Might Be Missing
Let’s face it, folks: none of us are averse to some savings. Especially at the times when the prices are soaring wherever you look, and particularly in the field of gadgets, devices and other bright, shiny yet quite heavy on the pocket tech stuff.
So, being always mindful of the needs of our fine readership, we decided that for a change, the topic of today won’t be about the attractive qualities of all these new toys (much of which are well-known to you by now anyway) or means of escaping their occasional downsides… but about the ways to get them much cheaper than most of you probably expect. And if you think these ways are bothersome, complex and time-consuming (not to mention bordering on illegal), think again.
Because quite a few of them are literally laying there, out for grabs, no matter how too-good-to-be-true it sounds. For which we have to thank the fact that quite a few of us are careless, undutiful or don’t do our job all too well… Okay, okay, we’ll now stop building up the suspense and be out with it. We are talking large amount of stuff sent by post that never reaches the intended addressee here (mostly coming from USPS and Amazon). With all due respect to their reputation, we all know that the larger the company, the more the chance of error, human and software alike, and you’ll never imagine how many of bought-yet-not-received things were never stolen, either, just put in a wrong place (trailer, depot, you name it) at the most inopportune time. Including some quite useful and expensive ones, natch. And while the unlucky buyer gets their money refunded, the gadgets they paid them for in the first place are still there, somewhere, gathering the dust and needing an owner…

While the unlucky buyer gets their money refunded, the gadgets they paid them for in the first place are still there, somewhere, gathering the dust and needing an owner.
Which can turn out to be you. Without, let us stress it again, breaking any laws in the process, for there is one more, so to speak, access port for these “orphaned” gadgets and ways of learning where you can find them… often for a lesser-than-original price. And no wonder: it’s one of those rare cases when a buyer is in higher demand than the merchandise.
So, one of your first ports of call are auction websites. Don’t be mistaken, though: those are different from your regular eBays and the like where you will easily drown in the tsunamis of goods from wherever. We mean specific, dedicated places that only sell the wares from unsuccessful purchases. The most prominent of those is the aptly named GovDeals: it works directly for the USPS itself and, as you can guess, offers everything left in the care of this service. Expectedly, it’s one of the best-organized selling points of this kind, broken by categories and allowing several types of searching. You will also, which is particularly important, be able to check what exactly you might get. However, there is one pitfall: not every item is offered all by itself: some of them you can only buy in quantities, which is often neither affordable nor convenient.
Then, there’s the Liquidation where there is plenty of gadgets from many respectable companies, from the aforementioned Amazon to Walmart and Home Depot. But, as opposed to GovDeal, it’ll be a draw of luck whether you’ll see on screen exactly what is there in the box. In quite a few cases you’ll have to take the site’s word for it. Plus, watch out for delivery prices while there: those could prove quite prohibitive, as high as a hundred bucks, in fact.

Watch out for delivery prices while there: those could prove quite prohibitive, as high as a hundred bucks, in fact.Watch out for delivery prices while there: those could prove quite prohibitive, as high as a hundred bucks, in fact.
So, if you want to be guaranteed against uncertainty and hidden costs, then, we’re afraid, you’ll have to draw yourselves away from the exciting, warm and cosy online world and get out into the (occasionally) cold and hard real one. To wit, go and look at the shopping / collecting points for undelivered packages in your area. (For the location of which, though, you still must look on the Internet: Swap Madness is one useful page for this purpose). These parcels’ contents are invariably sold in ones and you will be able to look inside. But there’s another matter of luck involved: you never know in advance when is the best time to come. Unpredictability rules here: the particular day you visit such a repository could equally turn out, so to speak, fat or lean with equal chance. But then again, it makes the hunt all the more exciting, plus when you do hit the jackpot (and it’s much more probable than actually hitting a literal jackpot), such stores may prove a true treasure trove.
And finally a word of warning: like with every piece of a free (or even less expensive) cheese, there are some mousetraps lying nearby, too. Namely, not all of such merchants are genuine. Fraud is as ripe in this business as in any other and you may find your “cheap purchase” much more expensive than you’d have liked. Thankfully, the good people at the Better Business Bureau site had taken it upon themselves to sort the sheep from the goats, and you can check the genuineness of the selling part there. And if the seller isn’t listed on their page, it will be a good idea to try and find some feedback from the previous customers of the company you’re about to do business with. If you keep all this in mind, you’ll find there are much more sweet deals than many shops and brands would have you think. So good luck and happy hunting.
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- Sell your used gadgets online – iGotOffer