Hello, dear readers!
We hope you and your families are well and enjoying the spring. We also hope you have enough wipes and toilet paper and canned food to survive any quarantine. And you know pretty well now that you shouldn’t touch your face and go out without a mask. Still, there’s one thing that has billions of germs on it and which you take very close to your face and mouth. It’s your mobile! You use it outdoors and and at home and I bet, you don’t have a habit of cleaning it with wet wipes. There’s an easier lifehack, by the way.
All you need is a thin transparent plastic bag. Put your phone in a bag and fix it with a scotch tape for comfortable use. When back home, just carefully remove your makeshift “sleeve”, wrapping it inside out, and throw it into a trash can. Oh, don’t forget to wash your hands after that and BEFORE you take your phone with bare hands. Or what all these precautions were for? Speaking of which, we found two great apps on App Store.
The first one is “Wash Your Hands!” reminder app that can set a reminder for a certain period of time, like every two or three hours. The app also starts a 20 second timer, because this is the time you should wash your hands for.

“Wash Your Hands!” reminder app that can set a reminder for a certain period of time, like every two or three hours.
The second app – “Hand Wash: Reminder” – teaches hands washing technique. We like it more, because it doesn’t cause obsessions and anxiety but gently explains an everyday routine. You should wash your hands every time you arrive home or to the office.

“Hand Wash: Reminder” – teaches hands washing technique.
Now, back to the devices. We in iGotOffer tested the plastic bag lifehack on several smartphones and the touchscreens worked! Fingerprint scanners worked fine too! The latest iPhones owners, however, will have troubles with the FaceID. So, they’ll have to tap in passwords to activate their mobiles. Of course, you must find a really big bag for a tablet, even the smallest iPad Air. We didn’t, because all big bags, we could lay our hands on, were non-transparent. Also, using a hands-free for calls when outdoors or in public places, is a great idea.
But, perhaps, you won’t have to do all these things if the area you live and work in is all clear. You can use Healthlynked Covid-19 Tracker for checking. It’s available both for iOS and Android and shows WHO confirmed infections in your area – they are marked red. The app also allows you to self-report symptoms and alert the contacts list if the coronavirus test is positive. May you never need this feature in your life!
- Help keep coronavirus off your phone: How to effectively clean and disinfect your device – CNET
- Sell your Phone Online – iGotOffer
- Everything About Apple’s Products – The complete guide to all Apple consumer electronic products, including technical specifications, identifiers and other valuable information.
How to clean your smartphone safely [Video]
Video uploaded by BBC News on March 15, 2020