Enter your Mac Mini specifications and get a free immediate quote in just seconds.
Use the provided prepaid shipping label, just pack up your Mac Mini and ship to us.
We’ll process your order after your Mac Mini arrives, & you’ll get your payment fast.
Go to iGotOffer.com, where we’re small but mighty, just like the Mac mini! Here’s how you get in gear:
When Apple’s original Mac mini was first released in 2005 and marketed as BYODKM (Bring Your Own Display, Keyboard, and Mouse), it was a desktop dynamo with incredible versatility. But in four generations, its design and functionality have undergone myriad changes, and now you may want a more sophisticated Mac mini. Planning to get a new gadget? Don’t just throw yours away! People like you are getting paid top dollar for their used Mac mini to save for a new device or just enjoy a small windfall. And iGotOffer.com is the place to go, because we’ll gladly buy your device, even if it’s cracked or broken!
After you answer the above questions, a quote will pop up in seconds. If it sounds good to you, we’ll send you an email confirmation and downloadable, prepaid shipping label to send your device on its journey to us! When we receive your Mac mini, we’ll inspect it and confirm our offer. If you accept it, your payment - via PayPal, Venmo, or check - will be on its way in one business day - yay! If you reject the offer for any reason, we’ll return your Mac mini pronto. With free shipping and no obligation, it’s clearly a win-win.
Although your Mac mini may be the cutest gizmo this side of the Mississippi, many of our customers find themselves perplexed about which model they own. Don’t give it a second thought; we have you covered! After you’ve provided your processor speed (and in some cases, your processor type),our website will determine your model. Voilà!
Our company is registered to buy used electronics online, and we’re seasoned experts in our field. We’ve developed a foolproof, efficient system that provides safety, security, and a stress-free environment for our customers. This is reflected in our 4.8/5 on ResellerRatings.com, and a high volume of five-star customer reviews on a number of sites.
For the latest buzz at iGotOffer.com, connect with us on our Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram pages. We love discussing new gadgets and hearing from our readers, so be sure to check out our website Blog and iReflections. You’ll also learn everything there is to know about your devices from our Apple Encyclopedia and Microsoft Encyclopedia. Happy surfing!
It’s very important that you properly pack your Mac mini before sending it to us, so it arrives in the best possible condition and fetches you top dollar.
Safety reminder: We advise you to remove any personal data from your hard drive before mailing us your Mac mini. But if you forget, we’ll do it for you, and we absolutely WILL NOT share your information with any third parties.
So get started, get your quote, and let the games begin!