Enter your MacBook specifications and get a free immediate quote in just seconds.
Use the provided prepaid shipping label, just pack up your MacBook and ship to us.
We’ll process your order after your MacBook arrives, & you’ll get your payment fast.
Instead of letting your old MacBook vegetate in the closet, you can turn it into fast cash! Here at iGotOffer.com, the road to gold starts with a few quick questions:
If you have an original MacBook, you may think of it as a collector’s item. But chances are, it’s newness is starting to wear off, and now it’s just cluttering your home. Why not sell this albatross around your neck to help fund the purchase of a new laptop or some other gadget? You may not know that there’s a market for obsolete devices, but at iGotOffer.com, we eagerly await the arrival of ANY used MacBook, no matter how fossilized it may be. We can refurbish it or dissect its parts: in any case, we’ll bring it back to life! Selling your MacBook may not make you a millionaire, but you’ll find we pay the highest price online or locally!
Once you’ve provided details about your MacBook, you’ll get a free, automatic quote. If it suits you, you’ll tell us your preferred payment method (PayPal, Venmo or check), and we’ll email you an order confirmation and prepaid shipping label. You’ll mail us your MacBook, and shipping is free, starting now! When we receive it, we’ll give your device the once-over and issue a final offer. If you accept it, it will be payday for you in 1-2 business days! If not, we won’t give you a hard time; we’ll simply return your MacBook to whence it came (to you). Whoever thought it could be so effortless?
We give a free instant quote, free shipping, and fast and secured payment. Your useless tablet may not make you a millionaire, but it beats just having it clutter up your home! Remember to pack well the device before you send it.
Experience counts! Since 2011, our company has been registered as an online used electronics dealer. We’ve learned how to streamline our sales procedure so it’s smooth, secure, and convenient. We feel our reputation has grown because we’re highly responsive to our customers’ needs. We work hard to answer your questions, resolve issues, and expedite the process. This is clearly reflected on our website, where you can read thorough reviews about peoples’ experience with us. Aside from five-star customer reviews, we’ve also earned an A grade rating on Better Business Bureau, and we received an outstanding score of 4.8/5 on ResellerRatings.com, a totally unbiased review platform.
We have an impressive online presence, as well. Be sure to visit us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for all the latest! On our website, don’t miss our Blog, Apple Encyclopedia, Microsoft Encyclopedia, and iReflections, where you’ll find hundreds of relevant articles and an active forum where you can exchange views with like-minded people. For links to all the above sites, click here: What's iGotOffer.
It’s extremely important that you pack your MacBook with the utmost of care to ensure we get it in optimal condition.
For your safety, we also recommend that you delete any personal info from your hard drive before sending us your MacBook. But if you forget, we’ll do it for you, and we will NOT share your personal info with any third parties. As an added precaution, we run all MacBooks through a nationwide system and report any that appear lost or stolen.
It’s time to come get your quote from iGotOffer.com!.