News and Reviews About Electronic Gadgets and Apps • Page 47

  • Apple MacOS
    Boot Camp Software

    Boot Camp Software Boot Camp is software developed by Apple, that is included with OS X. This software is used to run compatible versions...

  • Apple iPad
    How to Read Kindle Books on iPad

    How to Read Kindle Books on iPad Do you want to read Kindle books on your iPad? Fortunately, it’s easy to read Kindle books...

  • Devices: Tablets
    Kindle Voyage: The most advanced E-reader from Amazon

    Kindle Voyage: The most advanced E-reader from Amazon The Amazon Kindle Voyage is a series of e-book readers designed and marketed by Kindle readers...

  • Devices: Tablets
    Amazon Kindle – Full information, tech specs

    Amazon Kindle designed and marketed an e-book reader called the Amazon Kindle. The device enables users to shop for, download, browse, and read...

  • Apple iOS
    Sync Books on Your iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch

    Sync Books on Your iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch On the Books app on your iPhone, you can manage how iBook files, audiobooks (ebooks)...

  • Apple Apps & Software
    Mac and Time Machine – Your Complete Guide

    Mac and Time Machine The Time Machine feature performs backups and restores items, using System Restore to return your entire Mac to a specific...

  • Apple Apps & Software
    Apple Store Gift Cards: Make Present For Your Friends

    Apple Store Gift Cards: Great Presents For Your Friends Apple Store Gift Cards can be used for lots of Apple products, including music, movies,...

  • Apple MacBook
    Put Your Portable Mac Laptop to Sleep

    Put Your Portable Mac Laptop to Sleep Few users give much thought to the process of putting their Apple Mac into sleep mode. They...

  • Apple iMac
    How Can You Change Sleep Mode for Mac

    Changing the Sleep Mode on Macs Apple supports three main types of sleep modes for the Apple Mac. The modes are: Sleep; also known...

  • Devices: Smartphones & Cell Phones
    Amazon Fire Phone Reception

    Amazon Fire Phone Reception After Amazon launched the Fire Phone, the reception to this device was mixed. Many reviewers found Firefly and the Dynamic...

  • Apple MacBook
    Wi-Fi Connectivity on Your Portable Mac Computer

    Wi-Fi Connectivity on Your Portable Mac Computer If you are experiencing problems with Wi-Fi connectivity on your portable Mac, you should first determine what...

  • Apple iPhone
    Avoid Having Your iPod or iPhone Stolen

    Avoid Having Your iPod or iPhone Stolen Our smartphones and other devices are valuable targets for theft Not only are they valuable items that...

  • Apple MacBook
    MacBook Air: Resetting the SMC

    MacBook Air: Resetting the SMC Imagine coming home one evening, plugging your MacBook into the MagSafe power adapter and go to power it on…...

  • Devices: History, News and Lifestyle
    Understanding the Pareto Principle (The 80/20 Rule)

    Understanding the Pareto Principle (The 80/20 Rule) Have you ever heard of the 80/20 Rule? Or maybe you’ve wondered about how this practical rule...

  • Apple iMac
    Mac Does Not Connect to the Internet

    Mac Does Not Connect to the Internet One of the more frequent issues that Mac users come across, is a problem connecting to the...

  • Apps: Lifestyle
    Electronic Markets: How it Works?

    Electronic Markets: How it Works? The invention of electronic markets such as eBay and Craigslist have had a major impact on the way in...

  • Apple iMac
    Setting up Apple Mac: How to proceed without mistakes

    Setting up Apple Mac: How to proceed without mistakes If you buy a used Apple Mac, you will need to set it up. To...

  • Apple iMac
    Before You Sell Your Mac

    Before You Sell Your Mac If you are thinking about selling your Mac, there are some things you need to know. If you don’t...

  • Devices: History, News and Lifestyle
    Top 20 US Cities for Tech Startup Funding

    Top 20 US Cities for Tech Startup Funding Tech startups in these 20 metro areas received the most venture capital funding in 2014. In...

  • Apple iPod
    Accessories for iPod

    Accessories for iPod The fifth generation iPod Touch, iPhone 5, 7th generation iPod Nano, 4th generation iPad, and iPad Mini all come with the...