Best Places to Hang Out Online (Amazing recommendations from the past) Best places… Whatever your obsession, there is a place to indulge it online....
Shareware Software Software that’s up for grabs Shareware software: You can download everything for free, from spreadsheets to games online. If you’ve bought a...
Microelectronics Microelectronics is a sub-discipline of electronics. Electronics is the science behind the control of the flow of electrons. Microelectronics refers to the microfabrication,...
Electronics The word “electronics” has many meanings. In the dictionary, the word is defined as the branch of physics and technology focusing on the...
Computer and Your Kid How to get them started, and how to get them to stop Odds are that your child is better with...
Honor 5x: Smartphone Conceived and Produced by Huawei Honor 5X: The new metal-clad Android Honor 5X was conceived and produced by Huawei, a Chinese electronic...
How Modems Work How modems work: The Speed is far more important than the brand (Text first published in 1994, it’s amazing to see...
Gimp and Poser Gimp and Poser: Can you remember that there was once a time when only a few talented people could draw? And...
All About Apple Museum The All About Apple Museum is located in Savona, Italy. As its name states, this museum is dedicated to Apple history. Its...
Sunu Band: New Device Developed to Help Blind People Sunu Band is a sonar smart-bracelet, which provides help for the blind and visually impaired....
Old Memories: Save Early, Save Often A computer crash can be devastating – unless you’ve stored stuff elsewhere Old Memories: Computers are not invulnerable....
Should You Get PC or Mac? (A very curious and amuzing text about PC, Mac, IBM and all… published in 1995 in the Practical...
Computer – Buy Now or Save Later? Prices are always dropping. Here’s how to figure when you should buy Computer – Buy now. The...
Blackberry Priv: Smartphone Developed by Blackberry BlackBerry Priv smartphone is developed by BlackBerry Limited. It was in November, 2015. The term Priv stand for...
4th Generation Apple TV Review 4th Generation Apple TV is the fourth generation of this device for streaming TV. The 4th Gen Apple TV...
New Star Trek Series Announced by CBS, Expected for 2017 New Star Trek Series: CBS announced in November 2015, that a whole new Stark...
How to Recover Data from Erased Hard Disk? Recover hard drive: If your hard drive has valuable information, but you can’t access it because...
How to Destroy a Hard Drive How to destroy a hard drive: It’s easy to erase a hard drive. However, erasing it doesn’t prevent data...
27-inch iMac with Retina 5k Display Updated in October 2015, the Apple 27-inch iMac with Retina 5K Display, is equipped with a new sixth-generation...
Switching to iPhone Switching to iPhone: nearly 30 percent or about 14 million smartphones of Apple’s 48.04 million iPhones sold in the last quarter...