Getting Ready to Sell My Mac Mini If you have a little time to spare, physically clean up your old Mac Mini before you...
Learning the Language Online An historical rendering of the Internet language. With the advent of texting, most people today use, or at least understand,...
Steve Jobs Ideas: White Color iMac Did you know, that originally, Steve Jobs was strongly opposed to the idea of a white iMac? Finally,...
Did you ever think about whether your computer emits any sort of radiation? Similar to cellphones when they first appeared, when computers first became...
Getting Ready to Sell My iPad All versions of the iPad are very capable computers, complete with desktop-class architecture, Retina displays and all-day battery...
Software for Trendy Tots (for Internet and computer history addicts: an historical guide, software for kids in the early 1990s) Buying good software for...
Good Stuff About Investing Where to find the good stuff about investing (For those who’d like to recall those times long gone when nobody...
Gmail reigns supreme among email services. However, the case was not always so. For example, many years ago, different email services were available. The...
How To Replace Your iPhone Battery in 2 Minutes One of the most successful martphones is the iPhone. From its first appearance on the...
Top 10 must have future gadgets coming in 2016 Video uploaded by Red Black Productions on June 21, 2015 Top 10 Revolutionary Gadgets...
This text was first published in 1994. Reality in that era wasn’t very different from our time: Most organizations already had some sort of...
Mobile Phone Throwing As a Sport Gains Popularity The sport of mobile phone throwing was first born in Finland in 2000. Since then it...
Did you know that there was a time when you would have to buy all programs separately? The Microsoft Office suite now offers a... $1,000,000 for the Domain Name In July 2007, Apple paid a seven-digit sum, more than $1,000,000, to Michael Kovatch for the rights to...
Nomophobia: A New Form of Addiction. Is It A Disease? Nomophobia is the fear of being without your mobile phone or losing signal. This...
The Bottom Line on Spreadsheets The following short article highlights the different components to look at when purchasing spreadsheet software. Today, the main such...
Roaming Through the CD-Roms Today, we turn to the Internet for virtually all questions. Also, software is now downloadable without the necessity of physical...
A History of Text Processors and Writing Tools Word Processing: Typing Has Never Been So Easy. Mail merge, grammar-check, and instant résumés are some...
How to Remove Petya Ransomware and Recover Data Petya is a new and powerful ransomware that targets and encrypts the Master Boot Record (MBR)...
A History of Operating Systems Software that lets you tell your computer what to do. Below is a short article outlining the choices of...