Do you remember the first antivirus programs? The following article goes back in time to shed light on applications fashionable in a different day...
What Is the Best Internet Of Things Toy? The Internet of Things (IoT) is a trending subject. IoT refers to the interconnectedness of devices...
Write Stuff Online: Forward to the Past Today, many word processing software is available, ranging from free to very expensive. However, historically it has...
Blackberry Priv Smartphone The BlackBerry Priv smartphone is developed by BlackBerry Limited and was introduced in November 2015. The term Priv stands for both...
Disk Security: How To Encrypt Your Mac With FileVault If you want to sell or replace your Mac, you will want to wipe it...
Joining the Online Community Joining the online community can be like moving into a city about six times the size of Manhattan. With an estimated...
History of the Internet The Internet has come a long way since its inception, a text about online services first published in 1994 The...
GoodSam App: The Most Advanced Emergency Alerting Platform This article discusses a potentially life-saving app: GoodSam. Everyone who has a smartphone is familiar with...
Automation and Unemployment You will be assimilated. Resistance is futile. – The Borg Robots, cyborgs and artificial intelligence are fascinating. However, automation may lead...
Psychology and Computer Games Computer games are so popular according to some sources, that they are even more popular than movies, as demonstrated by...
How to Factory Reset Apple TV If you decide to sell old device How to factory reset Apple TV: If you decide to sell...
DuckDuckGo DuckDuckGo is a search engine that does not track your search history. While Google is by far the most popular search engine in the...
Internet Linguistics The English linguist, David Crystal, came up with the term “Internet linguistics”. There are four main paradigms to study Internet linguistics: educational,...
Internet Gaming Disorder Psychologists recognize existence of the Internet Gaming Disorder Psychologists now recognize the existence of what they call, Internet Gaming Disorder (IGD)....
Internet of Things (Known as IoT) – Novel Concepts With the Internet, many novel concepts also appeared. One such construct is the Internet of...
Apple VS Google: The Clash Of The Titans Apple VS Google: According to the business news giant, Bloomberg, Google paid Apple one billion dollars...
Top Most Popular Search Engines Search engines: A search engine allows people to find what they are looking for on the Internet. The most...
Facebook and Personality Facebook and personality: Facebook is a relatively recent social phenomenon, so psychological research on the topic is just beginning. Naturally, psychologists aim...
Periscope Periscope: Apps are an integral part of owning most mobile phones and tablets today. Most prominent social networking websites have a corresponding app. Apps...
Apple: Amazing World Of Innovations Apple is an amazing company. The popularity of their consumer electronics is widely known. The coveted iPhones, iPads, and...